Thursday, August 19, 2010

My First Term

The first term began in April, because the earthquake caused some damage in the building. The first term of 2010 was the first term of my third year. I was very happy with my term, because I had five new subjects: labour psychology, clinic psychology, educational psychology, legal psychology and community psychology.
In general, my first term was very interesting because I knew new knowledge of psychology very important for my degree. Anyway the first term was a difficult term because I was stressed by earthquake and with the final tests.
My final analysis is that the first term was very important for me because I decided which is my subject of psychology that I love, it is the knowledge of legal psychology, too when I ended my first term I passed all my subject with average on 5,5 for this I was very happy. The only problem was the labour psychology was very bored.


  1. do you really like "legal psycoholy"?? i dindnt know

  2. Hello, I don't agree with you, I love labour psychology, and I hate legal psychology!
    I see you in class

  3. I like your blogg =)
    I hope you follow this form!


  4. Hello!! For me the first term was not very interesting, but I think now that we can choose the classes at our option, be much more interesting...Bye

  5. Hello!
    I hope that you're fine.
    I consider that the legal psychology is very striking. I prefer organizational psychology or clinical psychology =)
    See you!
    Take care

  6. Hello!
    Reading your blog I remember when I was in third year of college, is a very exciting year because one is closer to the area of psychology that one would like ...

  7. Hellooo!

    =O! Legal psychology! I used to liked it... But I still think that is an interesting area.

    Do you think that occupational psychology is boring? So do I!


  8. Silvana you know university life is hard, Well done!!
